Achieve Eeveelution Tops Through Party Play Challenges

Trainers who are looking to add some Eeveelution flair to their wardrobe can now do so by completing Party Play Challenges in Pokémon GO. By joining a party and fulfilling the task of catching a certain number of Pokémon in Ultra Balls, players have the chance to receive a T-Shirt featuring one of the following Eevee evolutions: Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon.

To efficiently farm these Eeveelution tops, trainers can follow these steps:

1. Join a Party: By joining a party or completing an existing Party Challenge, players have the opportunity to receive a new task that rewards an Eeveelution themed T-shirt for free. The task will require catching a specific number of Pokémon in Ultra Balls, with the number varying based on party size.

2. Catch Pokémon in Ultra Balls: Depending on the size of the party, players will need to catch 50, 75, or 100 Pokémon in Ultra Balls to complete the task and receive the Eeveelution T-Shirt.

3. Rejoin for Efficiency: To maximize the chances of receiving the Eeveelution T-Shirt task, players can leave the party and rejoin until they obtain the desired task. It may take around 50 rejoins to receive a single T-shirt task, so patience is key.

4. Time Limit: Players have a maximum of 3 hours to catch the required number of Pokémon to complete the task. Make sure to allocate enough time to achieve this goal within the time limit.

5. No Need to Complete Other Tasks: Players do not have to finish the Party Play research task “Welcome Party” in order to receive the Eeveelution tops. Focus on completing the specific catching task to earn the T-Shirt.

By following these steps, trainers can acquire all of the new Party Play Eeveelution themed T-shirts quickly and add a stylish touch to their Pokémon GO avatar. Happy hunting!

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