GO Fest 2024: Necrozma Special Research

GO Fest 2024 Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma Special Research is set to be an exciting and challenging event for Pokémon GO players. Necrozma, a new Legendary Pokémon, will be introduced during the Pokémon GO Fest 2024 event series, starting with Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Sendai, Japan, and culminating with a massive worldwide rollout during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global.

Necrozma will come in two forms – Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma – and will bring a new mechanic to the game: Pokémon fusions. Players will have the opportunity to complete special research tasks and encounter these powerful new Pokémon.

The special research tasks and rewards for the Sendai City Skies branch of the Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma Special Research are as follows:

Sendai City Skies (1/5)
– Spin 10 Pokéstops or Gyms
– Use an Incense
– Catch 24 Pokémon

– 25 Furfrou Candy
– Furfrou encounter
– 2 Lucky Eggs

Sendai City Skies (2/5) – Radar Tuning Emolga Branch
– Catch 6 Emolga
– Change Furfrou's trim
– Earn 3 hearts with your buddy

– 2 Hyper Potion
– 2024 XP
– 2 Revive

Sendai City Skies (2/5) – Radar Tuning Event Eevee Branch
– Catch 6 Eevee with a sun crown or moon crown
– Change Furfrou's trim
– Earn 3 hearts with your buddy

– 2 Hyper Potion
– 2024 XP
– 2 Revive

The special research tasks and rewards will continue through the Sendai City Skies (3/5), (4/5), and (5/5) branches, offering players a variety of challenges and rewards along the way. Completing the research tasks will allow players to gather Necrozma Candy, Cosmog Candy, Solar Fusion Energy, and Lunar Fusion Energy.

Overall, GO Fest 2024 Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma Special Research promises to be an engaging and rewarding event for Pokémon GO players around the world. Prepare to explore new mechanics, complete challenging tasks, and encounter powerful new Pokémon during this exciting event.

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