Plan Your Travel for Pokémon GO Fest NYC 2024.

Pokémon GO Fest 2024: New York City is just around the corner, and if you're planning to attend, it's important to know the best ways to get to Randall's Island for the event. Niantic has shared some important travel information to help make your journey as smooth as possible.

One popular option is to take the ferry to Randall's Island. Ferries depart from and return to the East 35th Street Ferry Landing and run from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily. Tickets must be purchased prior to boarding, and it's recommended to do so in advance to secure your spot.

If you prefer public transportation, the MTA offers several bus routes that can get you to Randall's Island. The X80 Express Bus operates only during special events on Randall's Island, with service running from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The M35 Local Bus is a standard MTA service that makes several stops along the route.

For those using ridesharing services, there are dedicated drop-off and pick-up areas in Manhattan with access to pedestrian bridges and public transportation to Randall's Island.

If you prefer to walk, there are two ADA accessible options from Manhattan and one option from the Bronx. Walking to the event can be a great way to enjoy the scenery and get some exercise before the festivities begin.

To help plan your travel route, you can refer to the Randall's Island map provided on the Pokémon GO Hub website. This map can help you navigate the island and find your way to the event location.

Overall, it's important to plan your travel in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience at Pokémon GO Fest 2024: New York City. Whether you choose to take the ferry, use public transportation, rideshare, or walk to the event, there are plenty of options to suit your preferences. Make the most of your journey and have a fantastic time catching Pokémon at this exciting event!

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