Elixir Season Pass: Play and Earn Rewards

Elixir Games has launched an exciting play and earn event called the Elixir Season Pass, offering over $1M in prizes to participants. Partnering with popular games such as Katana Inu, Chronos Worlds, and One Tap, players have the opportunity to complete daily tasks and interact with the platform to earn rewards.

The Season Pass event, which began on April 19th and runs through June 3rd, features quests that vary from simple tasks like writing a review to playing certain games to earn points. The top 20,000 players on the leaderboard will receive rewards, motivating players to compete and engage with the platform.

In addition to the Season Pass event, Elixir is also holding a free mint on April 25th for Elixir NFTs. Players can burn their NFTs for a chance to spin the prize wheel or hold onto them for potential future benefits.

Participants can join the Elixir Season Pass event for free by signing up for an Elixir account and checking their progress daily to earn maximum points. Players can earn tickets as they level up their Season Pass, which can be used to enter various giveaways on the platform. Game partners will also host their own game tournaments with significant prizes, making this event a great way to discover and engage with a variety of games.

Elixir Games is a leading development company that hosts a wide selection of both web2 and web3 games on their platform. With over 120 games available and the ability to connect Epic Games and GoG accounts, Elixir provides a central location for gamers to access and enjoy their favorite titles.

To learn more about Elixir Games and the Season Pass event, visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord community. Don't miss out on the opportunity to play and earn with Elixir this season!

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