Gold Pass Mint: Paradise Tycoon – May 3rd

The gaming and NFT community is abuzz with excitement as Paradise Tycoon gears up for its upcoming Gold Pass NFT mint on May 3rd. This mint will give users the chance to acquire a premium battle pass for the game, along with several other exciting benefits.

One of the most appealing aspects of this mint is that it is completely free! Additionally, since the mint will be taking place on the Immutable zkEVM network, users won't even have to worry about gas fees. However, in order to participate in the mint, users must have been on the whitelist, which has already closed.

The mint will kick off with a guaranteed whitelist round at 1pm UTC on May 3rd, followed by a waitlist round starting at 4pm UTC. Only 1500 passes are available, so competition is expected to be fierce. The Gold Pass NFT will act as a premium battle pass for Paradise Tycoon, allowing players to earn rewards, including MOANI tokens, by completing daily and weekly tasks.

In addition to the in-game benefits, Gold Pass holders will also have exclusive access to the multiplayer portion of the game during the beta phase. They will be able to invite friends to their island and showcase their decoration skills. Furthermore, Paradise Tycoon plans to start a play-to-earn campaign for MOANI tokens soon, providing even more opportunities for rewards.

Players will also have the option to trade their Gold Pass NFT on Sphere, a blockchain marketplace dedicated to NFT trading. For those interested in learning more about Paradise Tycoon, the game is currently in open beta and can be played on Android or through a web browser.

To stay updated on all things Paradise Tycoon, players are encouraged to visit the game's website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord server. With the mint date fast approaching, fans of the game are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to mint their very own Gold Pass NFT and dive deeper into the tropical world of Paradise Tycoon.

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