Japan, US, Germany Co-hosting Niantic Challenge

The Niantic Wayfarer team has announced the next challenge, which will see Japan, the US, and Germany hosting the latest Wayfarer Challenge. Starting in Japan, the challenge will then move to the US, then Germany, before circling back to Japan to conclude the challenge. This global event aims to encourage high-level Pokémon GO and Ingress players to review Wayspots nominations in the host countries and improve the in-game experiences for those communities.

Niantic Wayfarer allows players to nominate new Wayspots, such as PokéStops or Portals, that fit certain criteria. Other players can then review these nominations, and if approved, they are added to the Niantic Lightship map and subsequently to the gameboards of Pokémon GO, Ingress, and other Niantic games. The Wayfarer Challenges set goals for resolving Wayspots nominations within a specific timeframe and reward participants with in-game items based on the number of nominations resolved.

The upcoming challenge in May will focus on resolving as many edits and Wayspots nominations in Japan, the US, and Germany. The dates for the challenge have been set from May 15, 2024, at 1:00 pm PDT through May 22, 2024, at 1:00 pm PDT. However, the reward distribution dates have not yet been announced.

Players participating in the challenge must meet certain eligibility requirements, such as being at least level 37 in Pokémon GO or level 10 in Ingress, and reviewing a minimum of 50 Wayspot nominations from the challenge countries during the challenge dates. The rewards for the challenge tiers have not been announced yet, but past challenges have offered items like Poké Balls, Incense, Super Incubators, XMPs, and more based on the number of resolved nominations.

Individual rewards will also be distributed based on the number of Wayspots reviewed by each participant. Reviewing a certain number of nominations will earn players upgrades, Incubators, Super Incubators, and Rare Kinetic Capsules in Pokémon GO and Ingress.

For those new to Wayfarer, creating an account linked to their Pokémon GO or Ingress profiles is the first step. The challenge offers an opportunity for players to contribute to the gaming community and enhance the gameplay experience for all participants. Stay tuned for more updates on the Wayfarer Challenge and get ready to embark on a global journey to review and resolve Wayspots nominations in Japan, the US, and Germany.

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