My Review of The Pokécoin Ticket

I recently purchased the Pokécoin ticket that was available from May 16th-30th and decided to share my thoughts and experience with the ticket. Despite the low percentage of players who bought the ticket, I was intrigued to see what it had to offer and whether it was worth the purchase.

The Pokécoin ticket offered a Daily Pokécoin Field Research Task that granted 20 Pokécoins per day, with a maximum potential of 300 coins if completed every day. Priced at £1.99, the ticket aimed to provide players with a discounted way to earn coins in-game.

Upon purchasing the ticket, I found that the tasks were easy to complete and did not require much effort. I managed to collect all 300 coins over the 15-day period, which was a nice bonus for me as a casual player. The variety of tasks offered also kept the gameplay interesting and encouraged me to stay consistent with my field research streak.

However, there were some downsides to the ticket as well. Players with too many field research tasks stacked up risked missing out on the daily Pokécoin task, resulting in a loss of 20 coins. Additionally, there were reports of the 50-coin daily limit still being in place during the ticket period, limiting the benefit for some players.

In order for me to consider purchasing the ticket again in the future, I believe changes need to be made to improve the overall experience. One suggestion would be to have the Pokécoin tasks integrated into a research questline, eliminating the risk of missing out on coins due to a full task stack. Additionally, adjusting the pricing and discount percentage for different currencies could make the ticket more appealing to a wider audience.

Overall, the Pokécoin ticket was a decent first step in offering players a discounted way to earn coins in Pokémon GO. With some adjustments and improvements, the ticket has the potential to be a valuable addition to the game for players looking to supplement their in-game currency. It will be interesting to see how Niantic responds to feedback and whether they will bring back the ticket in the future with enhancements based on player experiences.

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