New Daily Pokécoin Field Ticket unleashed!

Hello Trainers,

The Daily Pokécoin Field Research Ticket is now available in Pokémon GO. The ticket will give you a field research task every day that will reward you with 20 Pokécoins every day for a total of 300 Pokécoins if you complete the tasks every day.

The bundle is on sale in the shop for $1.99 USD or the equivalent in your local currency, and is available for purchase between now and May 16th. The ticket becomes live on May 16th, at midnight local time so we don't know if the ticket will be available for purchase on the 16th at all or if the ticket will disappear at midnight on the 16th.

If you purchase the ticket you may receive a bonus field research task the first time you log into Pokémon GO each day between May 16th, 2024 12:00 am local time and May 30th, 2024 at 11:59 pm local time when completed will reward you with 20 Pokécoins. Complete the field research given to you every day during the ticket duration and you will earn a total of 300 Pokécoins.

A couple of things to note about this:
1. To obtain this field research task every day you will need to have three or fewer field research tasks active when you log in for the first time each day.
2. You must claim the completed field research tasks from your field research screen to obtain the Pokécoins.

If you complete each day's field research you will be rewarded with a total of 300 Pokécoins. The ticket itself marks a 33% discount on what 300 Pokécoins would cost you if you bought them outright, on its face, this is a decent discount. However, there are caveats to this.

If you have too many field research tasks in your stack when you log in for the first time you will not receive that day's Pokécoin field research, and you will miss out on 20 Pokécoins.

The ticket doesn't say this, but there is the possibility if you don't claim the previous day's Pokécoin field research you might not get the next day's. Again, missing out on 20 Pokécoins.

This is a good first step, and I think opens up some interesting possibilities for future research. I would much rather see this dropped as a research questline, with tasks that reward 20 Pokécoins per task. This way trainers wouldn't be at risk of missing out on the tasks each day if they forget to clear enough room in their field research stack.

So if it's worth it depends on you, if you are mostly free to play and play daily this is a good chance to get some coins at a discount. If you don't play every day then it's probably not worth it to you. Let us know if you're going to purchase this ticket.

Stay safe out there trainers.

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