Pokémon GO Stadium Event (June 2024)

Get ready to embark on an exciting adventure in the world of Pokémon GO with the upcoming Stadium Sights Event in June 2024. This special event will feature a variety of Fighting- and Flying-type Pokémon, some of which were first introduced during the Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Sendai event. Additionally, Trainers around the globe will have the chance to encounter the elusive Shiny Emolga for the very first time, adding an extra layer of excitement to the event.

The Stadium Sights Event is scheduled to kick off on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM local time and will run until Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 08:00 PM local time. During this period, players can look forward to a range of bonuses, spawns, egg hatches, and research tasks that will keep them engaged and entertained throughout the event.

One of the key highlights of the Stadium Sights Event is the increased appearance of certain Pokémon in the wild. Trainers can expect to encounter Pokémon such as Pidgey, Zubat, Doduo, Gligar, Hitmontop, Meditite, Staravia, Mienfoo, Noibat, and Cutiefly more frequently during the event. Notably, Shiny Emolga will also be making its debut, giving players the opportunity to add this rare variant to their collection if luck is on their side.

In addition to wild spawns, certain Pokémon will also be hatching from 7 km Eggs during the event. This includes fan-favorites like Farfetch'd (Galarian), Riolu, and Emolga, offering players the chance to hatch these special Pokémon and add them to their teams.

For those looking to challenge themselves with some research tasks, the Stadium Sights Event will feature Field Research tasks that offer encounters with Pidgey, Zubat, Doduo, and Shiny Emolga. Additionally, a paid Timed Research option will be available for $1.99, offering exclusive tasks focused on exploration and Egg hatching. The rewards for this Timed Research include encounters with Emolga, a Super Incubator, and 20 Emolga Candy, providing Trainers with valuable items and encounters to enhance their gameplay experience.

With a diverse range of Pokémon to catch, bonuses to enjoy, and research tasks to complete, the Stadium Sights Event promises to be a thrilling and engaging experience for Pokémon GO Trainers worldwide. So mark your calendars, sharpen your skills, and get ready to explore the world of Pokémon like never before during this exciting event.

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