Pokémon GO Update: 27 May – 2 June 2024

This week in Pokémon GO is filled with exciting events and updates for players to enjoy. From the Ultra Space Wonders event to GO Fest in Sendai, Japan, there is plenty to keep trainers busy.

Starting off with the Ultra Space Wonders event, which began on May 23rd, players were introduced to Stakataka and Blacephalon, as well as the shiny Mareanie. This event allowed trainers to explore Ultra Space like never before and catch these new additions to the game.

Pokémon GO Fest in Sendai, Japan kicked off on May 30th and will run until June 2nd. This in-person event features special research tasks that allow players to encounter Marshadow and shiny Emolga, along with Klefi and Heat Rotom.

Additionally, the World of Wonders season is coming to an end, with a brand new season on the horizon. Trainers have been able to purchase the Wonder Ticket, which includes bonuses, Timed Research, and the introduction of Poipole into the game. Make sure to complete and claim these rewards before the end of May to make the most of the season.

For battle enthusiasts, the GO Battle League Season 18 is in full swing, offering exciting challenges and rewards. Raid enthusiasts can also tackle epic encounters with Ultra Beasts Stakataka and Blacephalon, as well as Mega Pidgeot. Keep an eye out for the Shiny Shadow Suicune, a rare and elusive Pokémon that may appear during your adventures.

With a host of new events, challenges, and rewards on offer, this week in Pokémon GO promises to be action-packed and full of surprises. So gear up, set out on your adventure, and catch 'em all!

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