Project Awakening Playtest Begins May 21st

CCP Games, the creators of the popular MMO Eve Online, have announced their latest project, Project Awakening. This new web3 game is set within the same universe as Eve Online and promises to deliver a unique gaming experience for players. The game is a sci-fi sandbox MMO where players can build and create, leaving their mark on the game world.

Phase III of the playtesting for Project Awakening is set to begin on May 21st, and CCP Games is currently accepting applications for interested players. Approximately 5,000 players will be chosen to participate in this playtest, and players can register on the official Project Awakening website. The playtest will include a hackathon, where players can try out the in-game creative tools and contribute to the development of the game.

Project Awakening is an ambitious project that aims to leverage blockchain technology to create a dynamic and immersive gaming experience. The game is set in a ruined world, where players must work together to survive in a hostile environment. With in-game tools that allow for customization and creativity, players will have the opportunity to leave their mark on the world of Project Awakening.

While details about the game are still limited, CCP Games has announced that they plan to hold additional playtests in September and December of this year. Players who are interested in learning more about Project Awakening can visit the official website and follow CCP Games on Twitter for updates and announcements.

Overall, Project Awakening promises to be an exciting and innovative addition to the CCP Games portfolio, offering players a new and immersive gaming experience set within the vast universe of Eve Online. With the Phase III playtest set to begin on May 21st, now is the perfect time for players to get involved and help shape the future of this groundbreaking new game.

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