Changes to the Contribution page in the Wayfarer Report

Hello Explorers!

It's been 84 years. OK, Maybe not actually 84 years, but it feels like it. It's finally happening, edits are finally coming to the contribution page! This is something that the Wayfarer community has been asking for for years!

The Announcement

Niantic announced today that Edits will finally be appearing on the Contribution Page.

Tintino Posted: “On April 30, 2024 you will notice Edits included in your Contributions tab on the Wayfarer website. This addition has been a long time coming and we are happy to deliver it out to our community of Explorers. Once shipped, you will see your Edits alongside your nominations, their status as you would with any regular nomination, and filter them by edit type.”

What it Will Look Like

Not only will the edits be on the contribution page, but you will be able to filter them by the type of edit. This is going to be huge, as a lot of Wayfinders have been keeping track of their edits manually on spreadsheets. I have a Google sheet dedicated just to my edits so I can keep track of them all to make sure I don't double-dip myself.

More Appeals Coming

In other Wayfarer news, Niantic also announced that they are increasing the number of appeals we are going to get from 1 every 20 days to 2 every 20 days. They also announced that they will be retiring the Edits appeals through the help chat on May 15th.

This change is likely because Wayfinders will be able to appeal their edits through the contribution page directly so Niantic wants to try and maintain a healthy queue of appeals that they are able to keep at a manageable level. Wayfinders will only be able to hold a maximum of 2 appeals at a time, so if you use one and not the other, you will get 1 back after 20 days and not 2.

Parting Thoughts

This is all huge news for the Wayfarer community and something we've long wanted. The announcement comes as a bit of a shock, Niantic has promised this for years and we all had no idea they were going to drop it. I know that the Wayfarer community is thrilled with this new announcement. We will discuss it on the next episode of the Wayspotters Podcast, so be sure to listen for our take on all this and our walkthrough on how it all works.

Until next time, Stay safe out there trainers.

The post Wayfarer Report: Edits on the Contribution page! appeared first on Pokémon GO Hub.

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