GO Fest 2024: Sendai Marshadow Research

Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Sendai, Japan is set to feature the debut of the Mythical Pokémon, Marshadow. Trainers attending the event will have the opportunity to complete special research tasks in order to encounter and capture this elusive Pokémon. The special research titled “Sendai Park Escapade” will require Trainers to complete a series of tasks across different habitats within the event area.

The special research is divided into six parts, each with its own set of tasks and rewards. In the first part, Trainers will need to catch 10 Pokémon, use an Incense, and make 10 Nice Throws to earn rewards such as Incense, Lucky Eggs, and Poke Balls. The final reward for completing this part is Marshadow Candy along with other items.

In the subsequent parts of the special research, Trainers will need to complete tasks such as spinning PokéStops or Gyms in specific habitats, taking snapshots of Pokémon, hatching eggs, and earning XP and Stardust. The final part of the special research tasks Trainers with making a new Friend, sending gifts to friends, and trading Pokémon to earn rewards like Rare Candy and Marshadow XL Candy.

It is important to note that Trainers will only encounter Marshadow once regardless of how many GO Fest 2024 Special Research stories they complete. Subsequent completions of the special research will award Marshadow Candy instead of another encounter. Additionally, Klefki, a Pokémon typically found in France, will also be available during the event.

Overall, GO Fest 2024: Sendai promises to be an exciting event for Pokémon GO Trainers, with the opportunity to capture Marshadow and encounter other rare Pokémon. Players attending the event will have the chance to complete special research tasks and earn exclusive rewards, making it an event not to be missed for any avid Pokémon Trainer.

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