Pokémon Sleep: Maintenance & Latest Update V1.8.0

Pokémon Sleep, the popular mobile app that encourages players to prioritize healthy sleep habits through gameplay, has announced a maintenance period to update to version 1.8.0. This update includes several new features, balance adjustments, bug fixes, and more.

The maintenance period will start on June 11, 2024, at 02:00 UTC and will end on the same day at 06:30 UTC. During this time, players may experience temporary interruptions in gameplay as the update is implemented.

One of the key new features included in version 1.8.0 is the preparation for the Summer Festival. Players can find more details about this event by checking the in-game event news. Additionally, certain helper Pokémon have undergone balance adjustments, such as Pinsir and Heracross, to enhance their abilities in the game.

In terms of overall improvements, the update also includes an increase in the capacity limit for the bag's items pocket, unlocking the max capacity from 700 to 800 items. Some texts within the app have been adjusted or unified for better clarity, and various bug fixes have been implemented to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

One notable bug fix addresses the issue of alarms set on Pokémon GO Plus + going off an hour late in countries with Daylight Saving Time. Players can expect this issue to be resolved after updating the app and connecting to Pokémon GO Plus +.

As with any update, it is important for players to ensure that they have the latest version of Pokémon Sleep installed on their devices to access all the new features and improvements. By staying up to date with the latest updates and taking advantage of the new content, players can continue to enjoy their Pokémon Sleep experience to the fullest.

Overall, the version 1.8.0 update for Pokémon Sleep brings a range of enhancements and improvements to the app, setting the stage for an exciting Summer Festival event and ensuring a more seamless gameplay experience for players. Players are encouraged to stay tuned for future updates and events within the game as Pokémon Sleep continues to evolve and provide new opportunities for players to engage with their favorite Pokémon in a fun and interactive way.

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