Research Day: Flock Together

Flock Together Research Day is a special event in Pokémon GO that will take place on May 11, 2024. This event focuses on Flying-type Pokémon, bringing together Trainers who share a love for these majestic creatures. During the event, players will have the opportunity to participate in Field Research tasks that reward them with encounters with various Flying-type Pokémon.

One of the highlights of Flock Together Research Day is the increased spawn rate of Flying-type Pokémon in the wild. This means that Trainers will have a greater chance of encountering Pokémon like Pidgey, Pidove, Murkrow, Wingull, Starly, and Fletchling during the event. Additionally, there will be an increased chance of encountering shiny Flying-type Pokémon, adding an extra layer of excitement to the event.

For Trainers looking to dive deeper into the event, there will be paid Timed Research available for purchase. This exclusive research will challenge players to complete Field Research tasks in order to encounter more featured Flying-type Pokémon of their choice. This paid research offers a unique opportunity to further engage with the event and potentially add rare Pokémon to your collection.

It's important to note that while Flock Together Research Day is centered around research tasks and encounters, there is no dedicated Timed Research available outside of the paid option. Trainers will need to spin PokéStops to participate in the event and take advantage of the various bonuses and rewards offered.

Overall, Flock Together Research Day promises to be an exciting and rewarding experience for Pokémon GO Trainers who have a passion for Flying-type Pokémon. Whether you're hunting for shiny versions of your favorite Flying-types or hoping to complete your Pokédex, this event offers something for everyone. So mark your calendars for May 11, 2024, and get ready to flock together with fellow Trainers in this special research day event.

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