Splinterlands Halving Event brings New Promo Cards

The Bitcoin halving event is a significant moment in the cryptocurrency world, and Splinterlands is celebrating it with the launch of two new promotional cards with the unique Halving ability. These cards, Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer, are available for a limited time and will not be found in packs.

The Baron’s Bounty sale, which started on April 16th, will only last for 15 days. Players can purchase these promo cards with Credits or Dark Energy Crystals, with the cost ranging from $32.50 to $3.25 USD per BCX. There is also a chance to get a gold foil card with each purchase, and players can increase their chances by buying multiple cards at once. Additionally, each purchase earns points for a lucky draw with over $100k worth of prizes up for grabs.

For those who are not interested in the lucky draw, the promo cards are available on player-to-player markets at reduced prices. Despite recent changes in Splinterlands' league and battle reward system, the game seems to be losing players. However, the halving promo cards have already attracted over 2500 purchases in just a few days.

Splinterlands is a trading card game running on the Hive blockchain, where players can earn Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) and Splintershards (SPS) tokens. Players build combat lineups using their cards and compete in battles to earn rewards. The game also includes land ownership gameplay, allowing players to farm resources and earn tokens.

To learn more about Splinterlands and to purchase the new promo cards, visit their official shop page. The game continues to evolve with new features and events, making it an exciting experience for players in the crypto and blockchain space.

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