Nosepass Raid: A Complete Guide

Nosepass is a Tier Three Raid Boss in Pokémon GO that belongs to the Rock type. This unique Pokémon has a CP range of 521 to 567 at level 20 without any weather boost, and 651 to 709 at level 25 with a Partly Cloudy weather boost. Despite its rock-solid defenses, Nosepass can be easily soloed by experienced trainers using powerful Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water type Pokémon.

When preparing to battle Nosepass in a raid, it's crucial to select the best counters to maximize your chances of success. The top counters for Nosepass include Necrozma (Dusk Mane) with Metal Claw and Sunsteel Strike, Groudon (Primal) with Mud Shot and Precipice Blades, and Kyogre (Primal) with Waterfall and Origin Pulse. These Pokémon have high DPS and are equipped with moves that are super effective against Nosepass.

In terms of fast moves, Nosepass uses Rock Throw and Spark, while its charge moves include Rock Slide, Rock Blast, and Thunderbolt. Knowing these moves can help you strategize your battle plan and anticipate its attacks. Additionally, Nosepass has stats of 82 ATK, 215 DEF, and 102 HP, making it a formidable opponent in raids.

While Nosepass and its evolution, Probopass, may not have a significant impact in the meta for PvP or PvE battles, they still offer a fun challenge for trainers looking to diversify their raid experiences. Keep in mind that Nosepass can also be encountered as a shiny variant in raids, adding an extra layer of excitement to the battle.

Overall, successfully defeating Nosepass in a raid requires careful planning, strong counters, and strategic moves. By utilizing the information and tips provided in this guide, you can enhance your chances of emerging victorious in your next Nosepass raid battle in Pokémon GO.

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